Home Health & Help at Home: Understanding Atrio’s Services
Atrio Home Care was created to meet a range of needs, bringing together the best clinical expertise in in-home healthcare and the most compassionate individuals delivering assistance to those aging at home. However, there is often confusion regarding what each entity provides—how they’re different and when to engage each. So, in this blog, we aim to clarify the distinctions so you can better plan for your or a loved one’s care.

Falls Prevention: Separating Fact from Fiction
While it’s true that the risk of falling increases with age, falls are not a guaranteed part of aging, and many can be prevented with the proper precautions, foresight, and care. In this blog post, we aim to debunk some common misconceptions surrounding falls, educate readers on how falls can be prevented, and offer solutions for staying safe at home.

The Importance of Dementia Care Training
Our Help at Home and Home Health teams are now specially trained to care for persons living with dementia. Learn more about the training they received and how our compassionate approach can benefit your loved one in this blog.

Mental Health in Aging Adults
The unique challenges that come with the aging process—changes in physical health, social dynamics, and lifestyle—contribute to a number of mental health issues for aging adults. In this blog, we address mental health and provide strategies and support.

Advance Directives: Ensuring Your Future Healthcare Wishes
Discover why advance directives are crucial for expressing your wishes and ensuring personalized care. From resources for advance care planning to our team’s expert support, we’re here to empower you every step of the way. Take charge of your future healthcare and start the conversation today.

Navigating Home Care: The Vital Role of Social Workers
Home care social workers play a multi-faceted role in helping clients navigate their complex care needs, offering personalized support, advocacy, and coordination of services. Discover the vital role that home care social workers play in helping our clients.